
Michigan vs. UCF

Michigan is home again this weekend to battle the Knights of the University of Central Florida. Kick off is at 12 noon eastern.

In the home opener Michigan destroyed Hawai’i 63-3 and is looking to do the same with another opponent. UCF comes from the American Athletic Conference and is 1-0 after their 38-0 win over South Carolina State.

Since the first week went along so well for a tailgate, we’ll be up to the same items this week (I hope this means that we can wash our underwear!). Brats and hot dogs pre-game, breakfast early and burgers / brats post game.

As we do each week, please use the sign up form to let us know how many, when and what you’re bringing to the tailgate.

See you Saturday!

Go Blue!


Michigan vs. Hawai’i

Aloha and Go Blue! It is finally here, game week! We have been busy cleaning off the dust and buying new tailgating equipment and are ready for the Michigan Football season opener! Now all we need is you!

For the first time in recorded MGoTailgate history, our signature flags will have the state flag of our opponents. No, we’re not imitating Wrigley Field, but it will be fun to see the attraction the Hawai’i state flag may bring our tailgate. As many of you know, we’ve flown a Michigan flags, a city of Chicago flag and also the Hawai’i flag for years, so it is fun to see the Rainbow Warriors coming to town.

As has been tradition, our season kick-off tailgate will be burger, brats and dogs. Of course, you may remember the awesome pineapple drinks and mai tais of the Air Force game a few years ago. What better game then Hawai’i to bring back those goodies, so we’ll have those too. We can’t guarantee you’ll get lei’d at our tailgate, but we can guarantee a great time!

As always, our tailgates are pot luck and BYOB, so please do use the signup sheet to let everyone know that 1) you are coming to the tailgate and 2) what you’ll be bringing. Please ask one of the hosts if you need the password.

One last thing, let the Hawaiians know: Michigan No Ka Oi!