2016’s Final Home Game

And then there was one.

Football season always seems to take forever to get here and then in a few short weeks it’s over. There is hope however. There is hope that Michigan may play 3 more games after The Game. But first, Indiana.

Thank you to all that made the trip to Iowa! MGoTailgate was well represented on Friday night in Iowa City and of course Saturday at the tailgate and ballgame.

On to Indiana (3:30 kickoff). We cannot underestimate the Hoosiers this week, even at 5-5 for the season.  They have had some close games against good teams so our boys better be prepared.  We need a big week to get hyped up for “The Game” next week in Columbus.

This is the end of the regular home season and time for the annual chili cook-off and growler tailgate. Bring out your best version of chili and impress the rest of the tailgate.  We are not doing a per person contribution this week to cover the main course or sides, this means we are relying on all of you to bring food early!  If you are bringing a crock pot let us know so we can plan on power considerations.  There will be pots to heat up chili if you prefer to not bring in a pot or heavy container.  Drinks — including water, coke, diet coke and sprite — will be provided thanks to previous contributions.

There will be a keg of Atwater Dirty Blonde for those who wish to contribute. We will also have hot cider available and can use a few contributions to cover that cost as well.  If you have contributed to the community cooler in the past, well this is the time to finish the cooler as it already has over 80 beers.

We will setup the tents and fire up the heaters this week as it appears Saturday could be a shift in the weather.  Enjoy the forecasted high on Friday and think warm thoughts on Saturday.

As always please sign up early for your tailgate contributions so we can all plan accordingly.


Go Blue

Eight and oh.

It wasn’t pretty but there won’t be an asterisk next to last weekend’s win in East Lansing. The only late game special team failure this year was the muffed shovel pass on MSU’s two-point attempt, which Jabrill Peppers (who suffers from lots of knee and elbow sweat based on the sweatbands he wears just south of those joints) scooped up and returned the other way for a touchdown? Or is it a safety? Wait we get two points because we scored on their failed two-point conversion? This prompted a lot of questions in our car coming home from the game. So if we block an extra point attempt and return it to our endzone do we only get one point? How about if we block a field goal attempt? I know you don’t only get three points for that so this is all so confusing.


Is knee and elbow sweat a real thing?

But I digress.

Second to last game in Ann Arbor for the 2016 season is Saturday November 5 at 3.30p when the Wolverines host DJ Durkin’s Maryland Terrapins. Remember last year when there were fun signs about “Durkin’s Donuts” because our defense was holding teams to zero points?


Oops, I digressed again.

Tailgate theme this weekend is EASY. Dibellas subs pre-game, and hotdogs & hamburgers post-game. $10 contribution gets you subs/dogs/burgers + cider (without the captain) + soda + water. Bring some good sides to share with your fellow tailgaters and we’ll see you at MGoTailgate with bells on. Signup is live; contact your host/hostess for the password!

Go Blue.

PS – Indiana tailgate on 11/19 is the annual chili cook-off…you heard it here first.