Yes we know game 5 is AT Northwestern tomorrow and yes we know we are not supposed to open up the signup early, but hey it is going to be Homecoming and our annual Italian Beef tailgate in 8 short days. This year Homecoming is a noon kickoff so we will have sandwiches ready by 10:30. Remember we can always start earlier.
We need everyone to signup EARLY so we can order the main course from Chicago and send a driver down to get it for the tailgate. For those of you unclear of what we mean by early, we are placing the order at noon on WEDNESDAY so if you signup after that time you might not be able to get Italian Beef. Please use the signup sheet to let everyone know that you are coming and signup for the Italian Beef as well as what side dish you are bringing.
A reminder that our tailgates are BYOB. Generally enough people signup so we can have a keg for those who wish to participate. There is a community beer cooler to help reduce everyone having to bring individual coolers. Feel free to use that for anything, but remember it is a shared cooler for those who participate.
Please ask one of the hosts if you need the password for the location or signup link. Previous attendees will likely be able to figure it out again this year.
For those who would like to use paypal or other methods to send money in advance just let one of the hosts know.
Go Blue!